Battery Eliminator

The Battery Eliminator

The Battery Eliminator is used to power a Critter Gitter on 110 volt AC wall power instead of the 9 volt supplied battery.

This accessory allows the Critter Gitter when coupled with a "sunlight" switch, to be automatically turned on at dusk and off at sunrise .

It has been used to power a Critter Gitter above a communal dumpster. The Battery Eliminator allows residents to power the Critter Gitter off remotely before dumping waste then back on when the dump has been completed.

It solves the dilemma of needing to turn the Critter Gitter's switch off from behind to avoid triggering it.

Because of that issue, many people point the Critter Gitter at the location they want to protect instead of at the location pointing outward "guarding" the location, thus making it impossible to disable the Critter Gitter without triggering it.

Note: There have been several versions of this setup. Some have different male-female connectors but all provide the same utility.

9 Volt Battery Eliminator

(Suggested Retail: $25.00)

Our Price $11.95

9 volt Battery Eliminator.

Wt. 4oz.

Currently Unavailable

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