Amtek Critter Gitter Technical Information
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A. When the battery is getting low, the Critter Gitter chirps to let you know it is soon to stop working.
B. Moisure causes the same chirping. If the device gets wet or if the humidity is high (in the 80% range), the electronics get wet.
The units can be dried out and they will continue working if they haven't been shorted by the moisture.
C. Some people have mistakenly thought the Critter Gitter will trigger from leaves blowing in the wind.
Our tests have not found that to be true BUT, if the Critter Gitter moves, it will trigger. You can verify this by holding it in your hand pointing away from you and it will only take a slight movement of your hand to trigger it. Be sure to mount your units on something solid that cannot move in the wind.
It will also trigger if the unit is pointed at a "hot" object such as a metal building in the sun, then cold leaves, grass, or anything colder than the building moving in front of the sensor.
The Critter Gitter uses 1 - 9 volt battery
Note2: when operated over 9 volts, the Critter Gitter may start sound and continue without stopping
When that occurs, turn the Critter Gitter off and back on to allow a normal reset to occur. If it still occurs, lower the voltage.
When operated with a battery eliminator, if wired backwards it does not work. If it is wired backwards for a sort time, the device will work when wired properly.

The voltage regulator is needed for something like a car battery powering the Critter Gitters. It regulates the high current provided by those batteries for normal operation. (Higher voltages are not a problem but high current supplies are).
Click here for instructions.

The Original Critter Gitter® plus mounting extras
(Suggested Retail: $169.95)Sale Price $119.95
9 volt battery and protective weather hood included.
Weight 5.3oz

Weatherproof Critter Gitter Version 2 plus mounting extras
(Suggested Retail: $174.95)Sale Price $134.95
9 volt battery included.
Hook and Loop Strap included.
Wt. 5.4oz.
In Stock
Volume Pricing
1 = 134.95
2 -10 = 129.95
11 -19 = 124.95
20 -39 = 119.95
40 -59 = 114.95
60 -79 = 109.95
80 -99 = 104.95
100+ = 99.95
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