The Amtek Critter Gitter®
IS NOT WATERPROOF. If used outdoors, it MUST be protected from water. It is gets wet, it fails (most often permanently).
• This Weatherproof Critter Gitter is the 2nd version.
• The original weatherproof model has been discontinued.
• This version seals an Original Critter Gitter from moisture.
• It offers more protection from the elements than the
previous version by sealing and covering the main points
of moisture entry that can cause permanent damage
to the device.
• 100% sensitivity and range.
The Original Critter Gitter comes with a plastic bag with holes in it to protect from moisture. The plastic covering the sensor causes it to lose approximately 10% sensitivity and detection range. It also suffers from internal condensation in high humidity environments. Driving rain can get inside because of the necessity of leaving the bottom of the bag open to help prevent condensation inside the bag.
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